Difference between Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting

Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting:-

Sr. No.BasisFinancial AccountingCost Accounting
1.MeaningRecording, classifying and summarizing of financial transactions and events.Recording, classifying and summarizing of Cost data.
2.CoversPreparation and interpretation of financial statements and communication to the users of accounts.Preparation of periodical statements and reports for ascertaining cost of production.
3.ObjectiveTo prepare financial statements i.e. profit & loss a/c and balance sheet etc. To ascertain cost of production, reduce the cost, control the cost and prepare cost statements and reports.
4. NeedFinal accounts are prepared as per Companies and Income Tax Act, 1961.Cost accounts are prepared as per the requirement of management.
5.Information TypeQuantitative.Quantitative.
6.PeriodFinancial accounting is done for definite period.No definite period. Cost reports are prepared according to the requirement of management.
7. Analysis of profitReveals the profit of whole business. Reveals the profit of each product, job or process.
8UsersShareholders and stakeholders.Internal management.
9. Stock valuation As per AS-2 stocks are valued at cost or net realizable value whichever is less.Stocks are valued at cost.
10.Relative EfficiencyDo not reveal the relative efficiency of each department. Provide information on the relative efficiencies of various Plant and Machinery.