Capital and Revenue Expenditures | Difference between Capital and Revenue Expenditures

Capital Expenditure: – Capital expenditure is that expenditure which incurs to increases the revenue earning capacity of a business.

Example: –

  • Purchase of land, buildings, furniture and machinery etc.

Revenue Expenditure: Revenue expenditure is that expenditure which incurs to generate revenue for a particular accounting period.

Example: –

  • Salaries, Rent, wages, carriage of goods, repair, insurance etc.

Difference Between Capital And Revenue Expenditure :-

Sr. NoCapital ExpenditureRevenue Expenditure
1.This expenditure is incurred to provide a benefit over a long period of time.This expenditure is incurred to provide a benefit during the current period.
2. This increases the earning capacity of the business. This maintains the earning capacity of business.
3. This is normally a non-recurring.This is usually a recurring features.
4. It appears in the balance sheet and small part is charged as depreciation to income statement. It doesn’t appear in balance sheet but charged against profit and appears in income statement.
5.Purchase of land, building, machine, car, furniture etc.Salary, wages, repairs and maintenance, interest, insurance etc.

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